Our investment philosophy

No two clients have the same needs or objectives for their savings, they will have differing investment time frames and they may each accept a different level of risk from one another, as well as potentially having differing environmental social and governance (ESG) preferences.

So inevitably every client will require an investment strategy that is personalised and tailored to suit their individual circumstances.

Some adviser firms, even independent adviser firms operate an internal investment proposition often via a Discretionary Fund Manager (DFM) arrangement or are linked to an investment company. These can be linked businesses or within the same business, so impartiality and independence should be fully understood by a client before entrusting their capital for investment as the investment strategies maybe more limited and not as tailored as they wish.

We feel that by choosing not to have discretionary investment permission within our firm, it ensures we maintain independence and impartiality and our adviser’s focus can be primarily on financial planning for our clients.

We believe that to meet our clients many differing circumstances and objectives, it is important for us to remain independent financial advisers (IFA) as well as impartial with our investment proposition for managing our clients funds that are entrusted to us. We therefore do not make investment decisions ourselves, nor do we operate an investment management company within or associated to our IFA business.

We of course have investment propositions in order to advise our clients on their invested funds and we have a range of strategies to meet all client circumstances. However rather than us making investment decisions in house, we outsource these to professional investment managers via external organisations which have no links to our business. This ensures full impartiality for our clients and no conflicts of interest.

Our investment proposition enables us to:-

  • Minimises time spent on monitoring and managing individual assets

  • Introduce an extra set of resources to the business

  • Reduce operational and business risks

  • Remain responsible for designing and if necessary, changing our investment proposition

  • Operate a mandate such as a charges limit, tolerance to risk via volatility bands etc and to change the mandate as necessary

  • To change the investment managers should they fail to perform

  • Maximise time spent advising clients

How East Anglian Financial Planning can help you

Ready to take the first steps toward investing in a portfolio aligned with your financial goals?
Contact one of our financial advisers today to learn more about our investment proposition and advice service and how we can help you build sustained wealth.